Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. Barring freak accidents, training injuries have nothing to do with bad luck.
Injuries have everything to do with ignorance, following bad advice, and

. e exercise world has always played down the potential negative side of
weight training. It has inadequately presented the specifics on safe exercise

. Done incorrectly, weight training is one of the most dangerous activities
around. No matter how much you try to water it down, the danger aspect
is always there. Not to explicitly state this betrays the training masses who
need to know the truth, and perpetuates the harmful aspect of the Iron

Knowledge is power
. In some circles, “injuries” and the term “safe exercise form” appear to be
dirty words. Some people think that mentioning injuries produces fear and
negativity. But you should be fearful of some lifting techniques, just like you
should fear the effects of smoking or throwing yourself out of an airplane
without a parachute. But a thorough understanding of training safety gives
a positive feeling that you are not going to get hurt.

. Here is what really produces negativity—getting hurt and frustrated by
training. How is not alerting people of potential dangers in their best inter-
est? And how is not letting them know of detailed technique instruction
going to help?

. Some people seem to think that little needs to be said about exercise tech-
nique. All they seem to think really matters is more and more on training
intensity, program design, and the accomplishments of the big achievers. It
is as if they think form is a simple thing that everyone can work out for
themselves. But good technique is no simple matter! How are people going
to find out about technique if they do not have it spelled out?

. Few people have hands-on well-qualified coaching. Nearly everyone who lifts
weights is at the mercy of the atrocious instruction most gyms offer, or the
inadequate technique instruction that most publications offer.
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