Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. But as critical as good exercise form is, for it to yield good results it must
be combined with first-class training program design. If you overtrain, even
while using good exercise technique, you can still hurt yourself. e main
purpose of this book is to teach you how to design safe and productive train-
ing programs.

Major compound exercises
. In parentheses are the main muscles worked by each exercise.
. squat
(quadriceps, thigh adductors, glutes, erectors)
. deadlift (i.e. bent-legged deadlift)
(erectors, glutes, front and rear thighs, lats, upper back, forearms)
. Trap Bar deadlift
(erectors, glutes, front and rear thighs, lats, upper back, forearms)
. partial deadlift
(erectors, lats, upper back, forearms)
. stiff-legged deadlift (hands in position inside the legs)
(erectors, hams, thigh adductors, glutes, lats, upper back, forearms)
. sumo deadlift
(erectors, glutes, front and rear thighs, lats, upper back, forearms)
. leg press
(quadriceps, glutes, thigh adductors, hamstrings)
. bench press
(pectorals, deltoids, triceps)
. dumbbell bench press
(pectorals, deltoids, triceps)
. parallel bar dip
(pectorals, triceps, deltoids, lats)
. pulldown
(lats, upper back, pectorals, biceps, brachialis, forearms)
. pullup (pronated grip)/chin (supinated grip)
(lats, biceps, brachialis, pecs, upper back, abdominal wall, forearms)
. machine pullover
(lats, pectorals, triceps, abdominal wall)
. prone row
(lats, upper back, biceps, brachialis, rear deltoid, forearms)
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