Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. press
(deltoids, triceps, traps)
. dumbbell press
(deltoids, triceps, traps)
. overhead lockout
(deltoids, triceps, traps)
. incline bench press /incline press
(pectorals, deltoids, triceps)
. incline shrug
(traps and entire upper back, deltoids, forearms)
. standing shrug
(traps, deltoids, forearms)
. calf machine shrug—though recommended in the initial edition of this
book, I now advise against it, due to the compression of the resistance on the
working muscles, which can lead to muscle tears
. cable row
(lats, upper back, biceps, brachialis, rear deltoid)
. modified straddle/handle lift
(erectors, glutes, front and rear thighs, lats, upper back, forearms)
. decline bench press
(pectorals, deltoids, triceps)
. close-grip bench press
(triceps, deltoids, pectorals)
. dumbbell row
(lats, upper back, biceps, brachialis, rear deltoid, forearms)
. side bend
(erectors, quadratus lumborum, abdominal wall)

If you cannot build an impressive physique by selecting from these
exercises, you will not be able to build an impressive physique by
selecting from any other pool of exercises. In such a case it would
not be the exercises that would be limiting you, but what you are
doing with the exercises, i.e., the program design, level of effort,
and progression scheme you are using.

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