Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. pinch-grip lifting
(forearms, finger muscles)
. thick-bar hold
(finger muscles—especially with a very thick bar, forearms)
. wrist roller training
. Rader chest pull
(for rib cage enlargement)
. pushdown/pressdown
e anatomy charts at the end of Chapter  show the main muscles of the body.
e muscle groups are divided into their constituent parts.

. While most exercises are obviously “majors” or “minors,” some (e.g., the side
bend) could be placed in either, depending on individual value judgement.
Do not get hung up on which group a particular “grey area” exercise has been

. With few exceptions, the exercises that are not included in the above list
are either dangerous, only of marginal value or no value to + of trainees
(i.e., the myriad isolation exercises used for the detail training that is only
relevant to the competitive bodybuilding elite), require machinery that is
not commonly available, or are technically so demanding that expert hands-
on coaching is needed. Grip training is an exception to this generalization.

Machines and free weights
. If you are unable to safely perform a recommended exercise with free weights,
but you can safely perform a machine version of it, use the machine. But if
you are able to safely and productively perform a free-weights exercise and
the machine version of it, you are better off using the free weights version.
Free weights involve more musculature than machine exercises, because the
stabilizing muscles are involved to a much greater degree. In addition the
free weights usually permit more freedom to adjust stance and/or grip
in order to modify form to fit the individual. Machines are usually more
restrictive. Some are so restrictive that they hurt the users, over time. But a
good machine used correctly can open new horizons for some people, e.g.,
the Tru-Squat can enable a person who cannot safely barbell squat to still
squat intensively.
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