Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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training, food and adequate rest is going to make much if any difference to
the results you get from your efforts in the gym.

. Get in charge of your training! If you do not start now to do something
that works, when are you going to start building the physique you want?
Bodybuilding and strength training are not hit or miss activities. You have
tremendous control over your physique development, if only you would start
to employ it.

. ere are no quick fixes in drug-free training. It is a long and demanding
journey to achieve your genetic potential, unless you are one of the very few
who are genetically gifted and have little trouble getting big and strong. You
will never be able to compete with the awesome elite physiques, but you can
build a physique that will be stunning to untrained people. To do this you
need to start training productively, and you have got to start now. Put the
instruction of this book into action!

Responsibility and commitment
. Irrevocable willingness, commitment, determination—call it what you
want—is a huge part of making training deliver the goods. You must stay
the course and resist peer pressure and the herd instinct that push you
towards conformity. And you need to have a mind that is open to investigat-
ing the radical.

. While the circumstances of life make some decisions more likely than oth-
ers, and at times almost force your hand, the reality is that each person is
responsible for his or her own exercise program’s results. You decide which
exercises you use, how you perform them, and how often you train. You
decide when you quit a set, when you go to sleep, how well you eat, and
whether or not you cut corners in general. ough life’s circumstances influ-
ence those decisions, and test your resolve and stickability, you alone are
responsible for your progress in the gym. e buck stops with you.

. Accept responsibility for having created the current state of your physique
and fitness. en assume the responsibility for changing what you do not

. Let your dissatisfaction with your current physique propel you into furi-
ously motivated, determined and dedicated action to improve it.
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