Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. But first you need to have an open mind and the willingness to do what
needs to be done (drug-free, of course). You must never be put off by appar-
ent setbacks and difficulties. It will not be smooth sailing, but if you want it
badly enough you will get there. You will overcome obstacles, and setbacks
will become challenges. Persist, and eventually you will get there.

. We are concentrating on an area where genetic restraints have great influ-
ence. Keep your goals very challenging but realistic, achieve them, and then
set more specific and challenging goals.

. You must be willing to do all that is necessary—in your training, diet, and
rest schedule, and ignore the negative vibes of others. If any of this willing-
ness disappears, so will your progress.

Thought control
. Do not allow negative thoughts and negative people to drag you down.
Negative thoughts and negative people will harm all your endeavors. If you
imagine failure, dwell on it, and prepare for it, then you will fail.

. is book gives you a step-by-step plan for bodybuilding and strength train-
ing success, but you will ruin it if your mind dwells on the wrong things.
While a poor program and a good attitude are not going to help you, unless
your good attitude keeps you persisting until you find a good program, a
good program together with a poor attitude is no good.

. Be alert to your thoughts. Stand back from your mind and watch what goes
on in there. Notice how much negativity there is. Put the negative thoughts
aside as soon as they appear. e ability to concentrate on the positive will
come without trying, so long as you focus on getting rid of the negative.

. With a good plan, and no time for negativity, you are set for the confidence
and persistence that lead to success. But the journey there will be neither
trouble free nor easy.

The “hard gainer” tag
. A hard gainer is the genetically average or disadvantaged drug-free person,
usually male, that typifies gym members. Hard gainers are usually naturally
thin, though there are fat hard gainers. Hard gainers respond poorly, or not
at all, to conventional training methods.
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