Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. ose who play down the importance of genetics are almost always those
who were dealt a better-than-average or even an excellent hand of genetics.
Few people care to think that they got something relatively easily. ey pre-
fer to give the impression that they really had to suffer for every pound they
gained. As a result, few people in the weight-training world will admit that
they got a head start from their inheritance. Anyone blessed with terrific
inheritance and a very responsive body can never, ever get in the shoes of a
true hard gainer. Sometimes the easy gainers’ arrogance, conceit and gross
misunderstanding of the plight of the true hard gainer is nauseating. But,
ironically, it is often the easy gainers who preach training instruction to the
gullible and impressionable hard-gaining masses. It is no wonder that the
masses get nowhere—the blind are leading the blind.

. Of course, as easy gainers close in on their drug-free potential for muscle
and might they can find gains hard to make. But until they got to that point
they found gains easy to make, almost regardless of what type of program they
used. ey trained, and they grew. But the “hard gaining” they “suffer” from
as they get near their maximum potential is totally different from the hard
gaining that true hard gainers have to deal with. Real hard gainers find gains
hard to make right from day one, unless they train as this book teaches.

. Can a “hard gainer” tag create a mindset of negativity? Does it set up an “I
cannot do much” attitude that may set a self-fulfilling prophecy in motion?
If you bemoan your genetic inheritance, stack yourself up against the com-
petitive elite, and adopt role models light years away from your own reality,
then of course you are not going to have the right mindset for becoming the
best you can. But if we go into this further we will see how liberating and
positive the “hard gainer” tag really is.

. Once you recognize you are a hard gainer you set the stage for adopting
realistic role models, sensible and practical training methods, and a sane
drug-free long-term strategy. en, while keeping training in its place, you
will put into practice time-proven programs and start getting good results.

. While realism is the hard gainer’s watchword, you do not know how far you
can go until you try—by investing in sensible instruction and dogged deter-
mination for many years. Even average genetics can go a long way. Train as
this book advises, pay your dues for a period of years, and then you will go
as far as your genetics will allow—and perhaps much farther than you may
currently think is realistic.
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