Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. Rational bodybuilding is about selecting exercises that are best for you.
While this should always mean a focus on the big basic exercises, it does not
mean a rigid adherence to a fixed prescription of exercises. Even the great
exercises are not equally suited to all trainees. Never lock yourself into using
an exercise if it does not suit you. e number one priority for any exercise
is that it does you no harm. For example, squat darn hard if you know how
to squat, and if you are at least reasonably well suited to the exercise. But if
you truly have knee and /or back problems, or if you have a terrible structure
for squatting, then to battle on with the squat is foolish. (Note that nearly
all the “you must squat” advocates are themselves blessed with very good
mechanics for the squat.)

. Some people are simply not designed to become very strong, though of
course most people can become much stronger. But many of these people
have very aesthetic body structure. So rather than try to make themselves
into something they are not designed to be—powerhouses—they should
focus on something they are suited to, i.e., bodybuilding, with the empha-
sis on appearance. Do not focus on what you will never be able to do well.
Instead, focus on what you can do better.

. But if you are a natural powerhouse, and that is where your interests lie,
then go for it, full-bore. But make sure that you keep an eye on your appear-
ance, and do not neglect your health in the pursuit of getting ever stronger.

. Given the choice between reducing bodyfat substantially, or increasing
strength substantially, more people would prefer the former. Fat loss will do
more to improve their appearance. But the best choice would be to become
substantially leaner and substantially stronger. is would hugely improve
appearance. It is possible to stay strong while becoming lean so long as you
do it properly. e conventional overtraining route to a leaner physique can
strip off more muscle than fat.

. Most men who start training when over age  are unlikely to have a gung-
ho zeal for huge size and strength. ey are more likely, at least to begin
with, to want to add – pounds of muscle, and get their bodyfat under
. To get there they will have to invest in very serious basics-first training
dominated by progressive poundages.

. Whether categorized as a bodybuilder, strength buff, or any other type of
weight trainee, the bottom line of productive weight training is the same—a
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