Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. Intensity can be taken further with the assistance of a training partner who
provides just enough help to enable you to do reps you otherwise could not
do by yourself. ese are called forced reps. ere are other intensifiers,
including static holds, pre-exhaustion, negatives, back-to-back sets, and
drop sets.

Grip options
. In some exercises you have a choice of grips to use. A supinated grip has
both palms facing you during the course of the exercise. A pronated grip has
both palms facing away from you. A mixed or reverse grip (for deadlifts and
shrugs, primarily) has one hand facing away and the other facing towards
you, for greater gripping strength. A parallel grip positions your hands par-
allel to each other.

. Other grips include the regular one where the thumb is securely around the
bar and on top of the index finger, as against the “thumbless” one where the
thumb rests on the bar alongside the index finger. en there is the hook
grip, a specialized grip that places the thumb between the bar and your fin-

. Spotting is help from one or more assistants while you perform a set. e
primary function of spotting is to prevent injury. Spotting can come from
a training partner or anyone who is in the gym at the time and who is will-
ing and able to spot for you. A spotter stands by ready to provide help if

Categories of weight training
. Weight training is a broad activity in which there are several specializations.
Most trainees are usually interested in more than one specialization, and
there is overlap among the different classifications. Here are five categories,
in no particular order.

a. Bodybuilding: Development of the musculature in a proportionate man-
ner, with appearance and aesthetics being more important than perfor-
b. Strength training: Development of strength and function taking priority
over aesthetics, often with a sport in mind.
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