Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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c. Olympic weightlifting: Two lifts, i.e., the snatch, and the clean and jerk, as
performed at the Olympic Games, with performance being all impor-
d. Powerlifting: e three powerlifts, i.e., the squat, bench press and dead-
lift, with performance being all important.
e. All-round lifting: Over one hundred official lifts, with performance
being all important.

The biggest champions
e biggest champions of the training world are not the drug-
enhanced genetically blessed competitive elite. e biggest
champions are the unsung heroes who applied years of dogged
determination in order to build themselves up against the odds,
without ever using drugs, without seeking or finding publicity, and
without divorcing themselves from the rigors and responsibilities
of everyday working and family life. Genetically gifted and drug-
enhanced super achievers who have near-perfect training condi-
tions and lifestyles cannot hold a candle to the real heroes of the
training world.

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