Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1

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ne of the biggest and most disastrous errors in the
training world today is the belief that basics-first
abbreviated programs are only for beginners.

As Charles A. Smith told me shortly before his death,
“You never know how important good health is until
you no longer have it.” ink about this. Dwell on it.
Make it one with you while you still have your health,
not when it is too late. Avoid all harmful habits, activi-
ties and environments. Look after yourself!

e first reading of this book will teach you a huge
amount. A second reading will produce another big
leap in your understanding of how to train effectively.
is will occur because the second reading will build
on the first. It will deepen your grasp of each topic,
and knit everything together to provide all the know-
how you need to achieve your potential for muscle and

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