Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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training routines are used by hard gainers. Not only that, but many hard
gainers applied the “train and grow” formula with far more determination
and dedication than the super-responsive easy gainers ever did, but still the
hard gainers got nothing from it. Clearly there are other factors at play.

. Being genetically typical means you have a body that is light years removed
from the elite’s. Imitating the training of the elite will have you following
routines that will not get you even half way to achieving your genetic poten-

. Training an easy gainer is a cinch, relatively speaking. Training hard gainers
is where the real challenge is. Of course easy gainers have their difficulties,
but these are trivial concerned with those of bona fide hard gainers. Genuine
hard gainers have a real battle to develop “mere” -inch arms. Rampant easy
gainers will get  inches with little trouble—they train and they grow. Only
thereafter may they have trouble gaining. But some phenomena will clear
-inch arms before their growth rate seriously slows down. Legitimate hard
gainers have a battle to get to  pounds in the bench press. Easy gainers
will only really start to have serious trouble well after they have cleared 
pounds, and in extraordinary cases not until after  pounds has been
topped. A -pound bench press by a genuine hard gainer is a far greater
achievement than a -pound one by an easy gainer. But the easy gainer
can never understand this because he can never understand the plight of the
hard gainer. And knowing how to successfully train easy gainers does not
provide the experience and know-how for being able to successfully instruct
hard gainers. Please pause and allow the last sentence to sink in real deep.

. Genetics matter a heck of a lot—big time! Just anyone cannot become a top

. Muscle and might are truly great, until taken to extremes. When body-
building and lifting become drug-fueled obsessions, they become destruc-
tive. Some of the world’s most successful bodybuilders and powerlifters are
testimonies to lives ruined by obsession. eir former (or current) awesome
physiques and strength levels are nothing relative to the unpublicized chaos
of their private lives, major problems with drink and drugs (steroids and
often “recreational” drugs too), serious health problems, no career prospects,
and lack of happy family lives. And those are the “successful” ones. For each
“success” there are hundreds if not thousands who ruined their lives but
without the fleeting compensation of fame arising from winning a big title.
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