Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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. Few people have the perseverance to stay the course (drug-free) before “see-
ing the light.” Nearly all of them will give up training, or resort to “staying
in shape.” ere is nothing wrong with training to “stay in shape,” if that is
what you want. But if big and strong muscles are what matter to you, then
to resign yourself to “staying in shape” is a disaster.

. Getting muscularly bigger and stronger is not complex. While finding the
fine-tuned interpretations that work best for you can take time, and involve
some trial and error, the essence of how to get bigger and stronger is simple
enough. But if you are not willing to work hard at most of your workouts,
you will never be able to develop big and very strong muscles. Fortitude,
determination, persistence and dedication are needed in abundance.

. If you are not developing bigger and stronger muscles, it is the basic combi-
nation of your training, rest, sleep and food consumption that is at fault.

. Women who want to get bigger and stronger should train in the same way
that men should.

. It is not the training equipment that matters. It is what you do with it that

. It is not the training facility that counts, but what you do with the gear that
is in it. Most people will never get their own home gym, and will only use
commercial facilities. Someone who has a home gym that is full of good
basic gear will get nowhere with it if he does not use it properly. Someone
can train at a commercial gym loaded with frivolous and even dangerous
equipment, but so long as he only uses the decent gear—and almost every
gym has some decent gear—and uses that decent gear properly, he can make
great gains. If your attitude is right, if you do not get distracted by any of
the training madness that may be going on around you, and if you are know-
ledgeable enough to be independent of pseudo instructors, you can make
great gains in any gym.

I knew so much about that which I did not need, but I knew so
little about that which I needed. erein lies the plight of most
bodybuilding junkies.

 
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