Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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first place. What is by far the biggest deficiency in a typical sampling of gym
trainees? Plain muscle and strength. Despite this most trainees arrange their
training so that the last things they will ever develop are lots of muscle and

. If you want to add two inches to your arms, for example, bank on having
to add thirty or more pounds of muscle to your whole body. You cannot do
that by focusing your attention on your arms. Get your body growing as a
unit, concentrating largely on leg and back work. About two thirds of your
body’s total muscle mass is in your legs, buttocks and back. e shoulders,
chest, abdominals and arms only make up about a third of your muscle
mass, so do not go giving those areas in total any more than one third of
your total weight-training attention.

. Impressive for us is not the awesomeness of the easy-gaining top liners.
Hard gainers of average height who build to (or very near) a muscular -
inch arm and -inch chest, with other girths in proportion, are worthy of
more applause than are the super-easy-gaining elite. is sort of muscular
development, along with good definition, is enough to set you apart from
over  of the members of almost any gym anywhere in the world. And it
is more than enough to stop untrained people in their tracks if you reveal
your body at a pool or beach. is is a magnificent achievement, and most
typical hard gainers who really want it can get there or thereabouts. You can
do this, too, if you are not limited by age or health; but you must have the
extraordinary will, persistence and know-how needed. Depending on your
genetic inheritance, and degree of application to your training, you may be
able to develop an even more impressive physique than that outlined here.

. While keeping your ultimate goals believable (but challengingly so), do not
get carried away and expect too little of yourself. Demand a realistic lot of
yourself, and you will get a lot. Even the hardest of hard gainers can perform
near miracles if they train correctly for long enough. Break your long-term
goals into small ones and bite off one bit at a time.

. ere is no single universally effective training routine that caters for all
individual needs and purposes. Neither is there one that will consistently
deliver results for you cycle after cycle, and for year after year. You need to
use different interpretations according to your needs, age, level of develop-
ment, and out-of-the-gym lifestyle factors. You have to adjust routines to fit
you and your uniqueness, but do it within the confines of rational training.
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