Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1

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. All-Time 

Practical Priorities

. Here is a summary of the practical priorities I wish I had riveted myself to
during my early years of training. Had these priorities been implemented
I would not have wasted years of my life following unproductive training
methods. Of course I am not you. But any drug-free trainee of typical
genetic potential will have much in common with me. Learning from the
major lessons I picked up over the years will help you to get in control of your

. I wish I could have had a wise and uncompromising mentor to have watched
over me. Someone to have given me hell if I dared even to think of anything
other than the abbreviated and basics-first approach. I should have been
forced to have committed the essence of this training to memory. Such men-
tors are very rare. Use this book as the best alternative.

Focus and progression
. If I had chosen the squat, deadlift (both the bent-legged and stiff-legged
variations, though not both in the same cycle), bench press, seated press,
and the pulldown (or a row with my torso supported), and dedicated myself
for five years to progressive poundages on those five core movements as the
linchpin of my training, I would have gotten near to realizing my full size
and strength potential before I was but  years old. I would have been better
off if I had never heard of any other exercises. (A different fivesome of core
exercises may be more appropriate for you.)

. Of these big movements the deadlift is by far the least popular in gyms
today. ough over recent years the deadlift has been getting some respect
and publicity, it is still not getting anywhere near enough. e deadlift,
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