Beyond Brawn - The Insider's Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle && Might

(Elliott) #1
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-   


. I would have trained only twice a week. e deadlift and squat would have
been trained just once per week each. e three other major exercises would
usually have been trained twice a week or three times every two weeks. But I
would not have hesitated to train each exercise only once a week in order to
provide increased recovery time when needed. At such a time I would have
done two of the mighty fivesome at one workout, and the other three on the
second workout each week.

. Everything would have been geared for making my body able to withstand
another small dose of iron on the bar for each exercise every week or two, even if
it was just a few ounces.

Form and avoidance of injury
. My dictatorial mentor would have been a stickler for good exercise form,
even on the final rep of each set which, as my ever-reliable spotter, he would
have assisted me on, if necessary, in order to ensure perfect form. Woe betide
me if I relaxed my form. e weekly or biweekly poundage increment would
have been small enough, however, so that I would never have perceived an
increase in load, and never have had to loosen my form to compensate for an
excessively sized increment.

. Under the uncompromising eye of my mentor I would never have lost
training time due to injury or overtraining. I would simply never have been
permitted to overtrain. I would have regularly experienced the good type of
muscular soreness from great workouts, and only very rarely would I have
suffered from mild muscular strains. Due to perfectly supervised workouts I
would have been prevented from doing the things that cause injuries. I would
always have thoroughly warmed up for each exercise. I would not have been
permitted to use poor exercise form or inherently harmful exercises. I would
always have been obliged to work into new exercises gradually. I would never
have been dropped into any full-bore work without a preparatory period. I
would never have been allowed to let ego and bravado get the better of me.
I would always have been fully prepared before performing singles or very
low-rep work with limit poundages, and even then I would have used them
only occasionally and very prudently.

. My mentor would have ensured that I never compromised my gains in
muscle and might by cutting corners with my diet. I would have eaten a
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