The Essential Guide to HTML5

(Greg DeLong) #1


Code Explanation

<form name="f" id="f" onSubmit=
"return change();">

Start of form. Give name and id (may need for some
browsers). Set up action on submit button.

Horizontal velocity <input name="hv"
id="hv" value="4" type="number"
min="-10" max="10" />

Label an input field for horizontal velocity

Line break

Vertical velocity <input name=
"vv" id="vv" value="8" type="number"
min="-10" max="10"/>

Label an input field for vertical velocity

Submit button
Close form
Close body
Close html
The application that uses an image as the ball and the gradient-filled walls is very similar. Table 3-3 shows
all the code—but I just comment the code that is different. Im not being lazy; the idea is to let you see how
each application is built on the previous one.

Table 3-3. The Second Application, with an Image as the Ball and Gradient-Filled Walls

Code Explanation

Bouncing Ball with inputs