The Essential Guide to HTML5

(Greg DeLong) #1


provide an explanation of how to determine the number of seconds between two distinct events in a
running program.

A call to Date() generates an object with date and time information. The two lines

starttime = new Date();
starttime = Number(starttime.getTime());

store the number of milliseconds (thousands of a second) since the start of 1970 in the variable
starttime. (The reason JavaScript uses 1970 doesnt matter.)

When either of our two memory programs determines the game is over, it invokes Date() again as follows:

var now = new Date();
var nt = Number(now.getTime());
var seconds = Math.floor(.5+(nt-starttime)/1000);

This code

  1. creates a new Date object and stores it in the variable now.

  2. extracts the time using getTime, converts it to Number, and assigns it to the variable nt. This
    means nt holds the number of milliseconds from the start of 1970 until the point at which the
    code called Date. The program then subtracts the saved starting time, starttime, from the
    current time, nt.

  3. divides by 1,000 to get to seconds.

  4. adds .5 and invokes Math.floor to round the result up or down to whole seconds.

If you need more precision than seconds provides, omit or modify the last step.

You can use this code whenever you need to calculate time elapsed between two events in a program.

Providing a pause

When we play memory using real cards, we dont consciously pause before flipping nonmatching cards
face down. But as noted earlier, our computer implementation must provide a pause so players have time
to see the two differing cards. You may recall from chapters 3 and 4 that the animation applications—
bouncing ball, cannonball, and slingshot—used the JavaScript function setInterval to set up events at
fixed time intervals. We can employ a related function, setTimeout, in our memory games. (To see the
complete code in context, go to the “Building the Application” section.) Lets see how to set up the event
and what happens when the pause time runs out.

The setTimeout function sets up a single event, which we can use to impose a pause. The choose
function, called when a player clicks on the canvas, first checks the firstpick variable to determine if
the person has made a first or second selection. In either case, the program draws the card front on the
canvas in the same spot as the card back. If the click was a second choice and the two cards match, the
code sets the variable matched to true or false, depending on whether the cards did or didnt match. If
the application determines that the game isnt over, the code invokes

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