Mastering the Art of Success
Chapter Nine
Success: When Passion
and Purpose Dance
Today I’m speaking with Sonya Denise Ware, entrepreneur and
owner of Blue Beagle Consulting, a coaching and consulting firm. Blue
Beagle is a partner in helping to discover natural talents, define
personal brand, and deliver bold results. Typical c oaching uses tools
and assessments to teach the client new behaviors. Blue Beagle’s
approach is purpose-centric, which means that in addition to standard
tools and assessments, their work aligns with the client’s natural talents
and ensures maximum effect and sustainab le r esults. Blue Beagle is
the strategic thinking partner to senior professionals, mid- level
managers, and small business owners. Their niche is working with
clients who aim to reinvent themselves. Reinvention happens through a
signature process that helps the client embrace their personal brand and
achieve career, business, or life success. Sonya has a bachelor’s
de gree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Houston and a
master’s degree from The University of St. Thomas. She is an
International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach with fifteen
years‘ experience working with senior leaders in Fortune 5 00
companies and non-profit organizations. Sonya is a partner in