Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

were concerned, was to ensure that we develop ed the weaknesses so th at
they didn’t re nder us ineffectiv e.
Our talent builds a moat around us. Warr en Buffet, as quoted in a
Forbes interview, said, “The best moat you can have is your own
talent. They can't take it away from you; inflation and taxes can't take it
from you.”
As human beings, we crave meaningful work, c lear purpose, and a
contribution that matters.

A wise man once told me that if I w ere walking down the road and
saw a turtle sitting on top of a fence post I could bet he didn’t get up
there by himself. So aside from personal role models, will you name
some people who have served as your role models for success and put
you where you are today?

Wow, I love that. Well, two of my role models have had an indirect
effect on me. I don’t know either of them personally but I’m always
impressed with “game-changers”—the ones who fundamentally change
the way we play the game. There are a couple of people who come to
Jay-Z, one of the most respected and influential artists of our time,
he is a rapper who raised the bar with thought-provoking lyrics and
powerful delivery. He is an undisputed entrepreneur. He climbed out of
the housing projects and into the palace. A true example of talent at
work, he didn’t just cross over with his music but he brought
mainstream into his world through his apparel line, his music, and
many other projects. Jay-Z is a game-changer; he fundamentally
changed the way we experience rap music.
Joel Osteen is an author and a televangelist who lives in Houston,
Texa s, my hometown. He’s the pastor at Lakewood Church. His
ministry reaches more th an seven million broadcast media viewers
weekly in more than one hundred nations around the world. He’s
preparing now to appear on a reality television show highlighting
missi on trips all over the w orld. Joel Osteen’s work is admirable. He,
too, is a game-changer, forever changing the way we view church.

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