Mastering the Art of Success
When I hear that question three things come to mind. The first is
this: people face obstacles in becoming successful when they don’t have
a clear definition of what success is, or worse, they define success by
someone else’s measure.
The second obstacle is fear. For some, the fear of being successful is
more frightening than continuing to exist in a crammed comfort zone.
The third obstacle is when they believe that, similar to your turt le
example, they’re go ing to get there all by themselves. We’ve got to
fundamentally b elieve in something bigger than ourselves, even if it’s
the power of human energy to achieve something that we couldn’t do
by ourselves.
When I exited corporate America to pursue my dream of owning my
own business, I felt successful. One year later, I was invited to have
lunch with a few former colleagues and I was hesitant to accept the
invitation. I discovered that I didn’t feel successful enough—too few
clients, n ot enough gross revenue, and on and on. I stopped the internal
babble and sat down to a blank sheet of paper and I begin to scribble
why I left corporate America in the first place, what my goals had
been when I left, what I had accomplished, and what milestones had
been achieved. By the time I finished, I realized that though I
wanted the business to have more revenue, the reality was that the
business had done pretty well in year one. In fact, gross revenue had
in creased 400 percent from the previous year when I operated the
business as a part-time gig while working full-time.
Would y ou tell our readers a little b it about what drives you to be
Human beings crave meaning and p urpose. I live with a do uble
po rtion of the quest for meaning and purpose. I want my legacy to be
th at of one who lived a life fill ed with prosperity, great relationships,
and health. I meditate on peace and whol eness when I am serving
other s. When this comes to light, it drives me to bigger and better