Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Sonya Ware

things including more philanthropy—more ability to help make our
world a better place to live. When the lights go out and I settle the dash
be tween birthdate and d eath date, I want the world to acknowledge
th at I left an indelib le mark that gave people hope.

What is the message you want people to hear that will enable them
to learn from your succes s?

The message is consistent: There is a higher power that we need to
acknowledge. It’s a power that births our purpose, grants us our being,
and renders us fearless. Success requires us to be bold and to be
fearless, challenging the status quo and doing what people would say is
“unheard of and certainly not the way we do things.” And doing so
even when we are afraid. Julio Olalla, Newfield Networ k founder,
was a mentor for me when I got my first taste of coaching the human
soul. He often makes a statement that I love: “A life without boldness is a
life fil led with regret.” So success, however you define it, once it has
been accomplished, should be relished without regrets.

How do you help your coaching clients accomplish success and
create the life they’ve always wanted?

It’s quite simple. First, we do it by working with them to get c larity
on what’s in their toolkit, as I mentioned earlier, their strengths, what
th eir natural gifts, and unique experiences. Some of those experiences
might have been painful but there is a wealth of resources in our painful
experiences. We find the skills and abilities they have, their
ce rtifications, and training. We take that i nformation and combine it to
br and who they are. We a lso u se it to understand their mission and
purpo se.
Secondly, we work to articulate that brand so that people understand
what they’re bringing to the table and how we can help

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