Mastering the Art of Success
th em advance their business bottom line o r make their nonprofit
Then we help them to embrace it. Often, the very thing p eople are
naturally good at and where they can offer the world their best gifts are
the things that they take for granted and overlook. We help our clients
learn to embrace it, to own it, and th en live in that strength.
In leadership, especially on the subject of success, we hear a lot
about and read a lot about passion and the importance of passion. Does
everyone have passion?
Everyone has passion, or they have something they’re really good
doing. If you are, you’re betting on something you’re very good doing or
if you’re betting on something you’re really passionate about, then
you’re guaranteed a return on investment that is phenomenal. So in
answer to your question, we each may call it something different, but I
th ink we all have something we’re really good doing or extremely
interested in.
You speak about be ing fearless or you speak about fearless
leadership and how it’s the main factor in attaining success. Is being
fearless alone truly enough?
The answer is no. Being fearless, or bold, is foundational to fearless
leadership, so if you don’t have the boldness then all the other
characteristics don’t matter because you don’t ever get to the place
where you get to put them to work. There are other things that come
into play like wisdom, authenticity, and vision; but without a foundation
of boldness, or fearlessness, they don’t get the opportunity to show
I remember when I was a young adult and house parties were a hot
event. I had gone to a party with a couple of co-workers and as soon as