Mastering the Art of Success
to turn the other cheek, and you’re going to climb that mountain
anyway. No matter how many times you fail, keep getting back up.
Expect to win, refuse to lose, and never give up. That’s how you persist,
and that ’s how you achieve success.
What do you hope the readers of this book learn from your success?
I hope the readers will believe that whatever they want to achieve is
possible. I want them to dr eam big and believe in themselves and
pursue th eir passions. What is it that makes them get up every day?
What do they think about most of the time? What is it that they would
do whether they got paid f or it or not? This is their passion. They must
pursue it with all their heart. Don’t l et p eople talk you out of your
dreams. Take a ction every day on achieving your dream. You have to
have vision, desire, and a ction. The minute that you decide to take
action, you’re on your way to achieving s uccess.
How do you see yourself?
I see myself as a positive, popular, productive, and successful
businesswoman. My self-image is my inner mirror. If I see myself as
co nfident and successful, then this is who I become. If I have a poor
self-image, then I will see myself as not being popular, confident, or
at tractive. My negative self-image will cause me to feel clumsy,
awkward, and inadequate.
One of the most important habits that I practice is feeding my mind
with positive pictures and images of myself. One of the most important
factors in becoming successful is the words you say to yourself and the
words that you believe about yourself. One of my habits is to daily
sp eak to myself in a positive way and declare that what I see in the
mirror is the picture of success.