Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Ralph Ford
beat. It may give you a short-lived euphoria but you will not improve
where it counts.
You’re off to a fantastic start if you are reading the great
motivational, spiritual, and professional training books that are
ubiquitously available. You find them in hardback, soft cover, on the
Web, in your Kindle, and on audio book. There’s no excuse not to get
the information. It is in this way you can synchronize with greatness
across the country and across the ages.
Some suggestions would be Think and Grow rich by Napoleon
Hill, Dailey Power Thoughts by Dr. Robert Schuller, Success Through
Positive Mental Attitude by W. Clement Stone, Dig Your Well Before
Your Thirsty by Harvey McKay (a great study on building a referral
system and centers of influence), Reinvent ion: How to Make the Rest of
Your Life the Best of Your Life by Mr. Sales himself, Brian Tracy, and
to create subtle changes in self, read a little Emerson.
I know many people in all walks of life who read constantly but
don’t seem to be growing as a person or a professional.
That’s due to the fact that acquiring the amassed knowledge of all
the best writers one can assemble is not enough. Many “also-rans”
believed that the knowledge itself was the power. This could not be
fu rther from the truth.
The real power comes with the ability to assimilate and direct that
knowledge to a great purpose to the benefit of all concerned. I can
think of nothing more detrimental to the financial health of a client
th an to try to apply a money formula that didn’t fit his or her
circumstances or did not take into account long-range economic goals.
All too often, I have seen the dismal, devastating, retirement-derailing
results of what should have been a comprehensive family security plan
being offered by someone who was more concerned with doing some
thing, instead of doing the best thing.

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