Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Ralph Ford
your desire for it, communicate with your subconscious about it, and
you will create the money habits that have been proven over time by
others to be effectiv e.
However, money can’t be your God, but it could be for your good.
The good of money is in the spending, then someone else has your good
and p asses it to yet another. There is no lack of money, o nly lack of
habits that create it. If wealth is good and you also want abundant
health, then it’s there for the asking. Think about it and you will install
the proper habits to guarantee it comes to you.
Because we have self-love, we have self worth and we have the
co nfidence to turn our problems into personal triumphs in the
unlimited universe of our mind. Whether we believe we can, or believe
we can’t create the wealth factor we want, we are correct. Remember
th at the subconscious cannot t ake a joke. What we think about comes
about. Sometime after he was a reporter for the Kansas City Star, Walt
Disney coined the word “Imagineering.” He said that first we must
visualize what we see as th e end result. This must b e our daydream and
our night dream. Next we must verbalize the result as though it has
already manifested itself. Lastly, we get to actualize it. Thus, we have
imagineered it in the no limit space of our mind and it becomes a
Is there a special attitude involved in the approach to the blank
canvass to make that painting appear?
David, I’m convinced after much research on the subject that one
must concentrate on the positive aspects of any situation. NMA
(negative mental attitude) versus PMA (positive mental attitude) is
really no contest. It takes way more muscles to frown than it does to
smile. After all, a smile is an inflation fi ghter. The cost to smile never
goes up , and the value of a smile never goes dow n. We get the action or
results we reinforce.

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