Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Mastering the Art of Success
Nightingale said, “We live up to our expectations.” Brian Tracy
admonishes us to “never say anything about yourself you don’t want to
come true.” Norman Vincent Peale had this advice: “When you get up in
the morning, you have two choices: either to be happy or to be
unhappy. Just chose to be happy.” Finally, Emerson summed it up well
when he said, “A man is what he thinks about all day.”
In each case, these great dispensers of OPE (other peoples’
experience) say in a different way that we can and must be positive for
true growth to occur. Positive and negative emotions can’t occupy your
mind at the same time. In my study of Motivational Psychology at
Southwestern, I learned you can’t even dream dreams of success if you
continually and consistently turn people off with your negative
Success comes from a position of positive strength and power. It’s
ev en imperative that you don’t go to sleep right after watching the late
news. Y ou know the subconscious cannot t ake a joke and it will work on
your last conscious thoughts—that horrific car accident on the freeway
or the convenience store robbery or the child a ccidentally killed in a
drive-by shooting. All night long you will be restless and awaken in the
morning tired and expecting to have a bad day. Mark Hansen
assembled a great little book he called Future Diary. In it, you get to
writ e down all the great, grand, and glorious things you will be doing in
your lif e. Of course, it has a positive ending because you write th e story
instead of waiting for a stranger to write your biography.
Many of my mentors like Paul Meyer and Bill Gove had such great
focus and direction in their lives. These are great people. Do you think
there is something in their genes or is it possible f or any of us to
harness our dreams just as successfully as they have demonstrated?
I believe we can achieve that level of focus if we would crystallize
our goal commitment and use the rifle approach instead of a shot gun.
I believe our goals are problems turned inside out. Without problems,

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