Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Ralph Ford escaped from the Banking
business forty-six years ago to start from
scratch his Multi-Line Insurance Agency. His
office now bills out over $3 million a year in
casualty premiu m and has produced more
th an $300
million in life benefits. He h as
in Estate and Retirement
Planning for
qualified for Chairman’s Circle and
the last twenty years. He has
is a member o f Stat e Farm
Presidents Club, which recognizes the Top 50 Life Premium Agents of
seventeen thousand nationwide. He has been inducted into the State
Farm Insurance Hall of Fame.
Ralph is a Charter Member of NAIFA and currently holds the office
of Vice President of the Missouri Association o f Insurance and
Financial Advisor s. He is a regular recipient of the National Quality
Award and National Sales Achievement Award. Ralph was co-editor of
the American College Textbooks used to teach financial prof essionals:
Retirement Planning, Planning for Seniors, an d Foundations o f
Planning. He co-authored with Mark
self-help book series, Build a Better
Victor Hansen and others, the
During his twenty-five years in professional speaking and
consulting, he has given positive direction to millions, both from the
podium and through the medium of television. Ralph’s Public
Br oadcasting Station television program, Life P lanning, ran on PBS
around the country for eighteen m onths as a public service message.
He has a degree in Business Administration from Northwest
Missouri, a Marketing Degree from Southwestern University, and an
Experienc e degree from the United Stat es Marine Corps and Life.
However, Ralph says he owes his s uccess to the support of his brill iant

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