(^) Jack Canfield
you an internationally known personality. Other than recognition, has the
series changed you personally and if so, how?
I would say that it has and I think in a couple of ways. Number one,
I read stories all day long of people who’ve overcome what would feel
like insurmountable obstacles. For example, we just d id a book Chicken
Soup for the Unsinkable Soul. There’s a story in there about a
single mother with three daughters. She contracted a disease and she
had to have both of her hands and both of her feet amputated. She got
prosthet ic devices and was able to learn how to use them. She could
cook, drive the car, brush her daughter s’ hair, get a job, etc. I read that
and I thought, “God, what would I ever have to complain and whine
and moan about?”
At one level it’s just given me a great sense o f gratitude and
appreciation for everything I have and it has made me less irritable about
the little things.
I think the other thing that’s happened for me personally is my
sphere of influence has changed. By that I mean I was asked, for
example, some years ago to be the keynote speaker to the Women’s
Congressional Caucus. The Caucus is a group that includes all women in
America who are members of Congress and who are state senators,
governors, and l ieutenant governors. I asked what they wanted me to
ta lk about—what topic.
“Whatever you think we need to know to be better legislators,” was
the reply.
I thought, “Wow, they want me to tell them about what laws they
should be making and what would make a better culture.” Well, that
wouldn’t have happened if our books hadn’t come out and I hadn’t
become famous. I think I get to play with people at a higher level and
have more influence in the world. That’s important to me because my
life purpose is inspiring and empowering people to live their highest
vision so the world works for everybody. I get to do that on a much
bigger level than when I was just a high school teacher back in Chicago.
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)