Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

Why do you think charitable giving is important to being successful
in business?
Doing for others helps us stop worrying about our own business
problems. We must give back, whether it’s with our finances, our time,
and/or our expertise. If you look at successful people in this country,
you know they give back to those in need. The examples are out there:
Dr. Martin L uther King, Jr., Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey,
and the millions of others whose names we know and whose names go
un known. They are the heroes/heroines that provide brilliant examples of
what successful business people do. It is important to give back to our
co mmunities. This is a way of showing gratitude for all the gifts th at
have been given to us. Small acts can make a gigantic difference to
charitable organizations, to a child, to someone in n eed, to finding a
cure for a disease. Giving in some way is something we can all do! I have
learned that from charitable giving grows gratitude, humility, integrity,
sincerity, wisdom, and generosity. These are all traits that are benefits
to any business owner.
Well, what a great conversation.
I’ve enjoyed talking with you and I’m g lad to find that you are in the
land of D and I with me, with the DiSC. We’ve gotten along quite nicely.
That’s right. It’s been a pleasure talking with you, too. I’ve lear ned a
lot here today and I ’m certain our readers will also. I appreciate the
time you’ve given me and for answering a ll these questions.

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