Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Rachel Foster

person.) Then something remarkable happened. I’ll always remember
th at someone said, “I’ll jump in before you and wait for you.” And the
person did, and I did, and it was amazing! And, by the way, we won the
competition for teamwork!
So in my work, I ’m the one who will hold your hand and help y ou
breathe as you go under, and be your lifeline as you come up gasping
for air. I’ll help you find your footing and emerge strong with each
fo rward movement as you surface with clarity and radiance.
It’s about not trying to do everything always by yourself. We all have
times on our life when we need to ask for help and let others support
us. Often the biggest obstacle is us. Sometimes we have to get out of
our own way.

So what message would you like to leave with our readers and
listeners as they move forward on their own journey?

I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I th ink there are five
things that are key. First, be courageous—you can do anything you put
your mind to. Second, take some time to reflect. Reflect on your vision
and where you want to be. Reflect on how you have arrived where you
are today, your successes, and c elebrate those accomplishments. Third,
know that there will be ups and downs—it’s inevitable in the journey of
lif e. Stay positive and know that where you are is where you should be
on your journey.
The fo urth thing is to take a lo ok at those with whom y ou associate.
Who is on your A team, your B team, your C team? Do you have people
around you who are going to support you as you move forward, or do
you have people around you who are going to try and hold y ou back?
Negative thoughts are energy-drainers, right? You need to have the
people around you who are going to support you and give you energy
and you don’t want to have the ones around you who are sucking the
energy out of you. So do whatever you need to do to refashion your

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