Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Mastering the Art of Success

part of the sales process. What do you say at the discovery meeting?
Ask for the sale. Not enough people are asking for the sale. When you
provide the service, e xceed expectations once the sale is done. Always
get the next step. Whether you are doing business or not doing
business, y ou always want to keep them in the sales funnel. If you get a
solid no, that is great! Now you are not w asting your time anymore, and
you can put that file away into old files. If the prospect said no, not
right now, then ask when would be a good time to call to touch base
again if things change. You’ll g et an answer. Whatever the time is—
three months, six months, eighteen months—write it in your activity
management schedule and then phone at that time.
If you have done all your due diligence, you’ve followed the
sales process, and the prospect still says no, we’ve got to use a four-
le tter word: next. That is the sales process.

I have learned a lot, affirmed a lot, and found out I have lost a lot of
your steps that I am going to put back into my presentations.
I r eally appreciate your time and think our readers are going to get a
lot out of this chapter.

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