Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

My upbringing had a significant effect on me and my desire to
teach others to harness their inner beauty, in spite of their brokenness.
One can move through life with dignity and grace. You must
understand your value, and you can design your life today.
I believe your decisions about allocating your personal time, energy,
and talent ultimately shape your lif e’s strategy. My life’s strategy has
been to see where I was needed, overcome obstacles in my life, become
ed ucated, and encourage and care for other s. T hrough teaching special
ed ucation, parenting classes, and women’s enrichment classes, as a
wife, as a mother of five, and as an image consultant/coach, I have
utilized my strengths, encouraging others to be effective leaders of

Why is personal image essential to success? Is it dress or is it more?

Personal image is managing yourself to influence others and is the
quickest and most tangible way to gain credibility. Personal image has
to do with the personal dignity of every individual. Every person has a
sphere of influence, whether it is at the coffee shop, grocery store, the
workplace, home, or school. You can positively influence others with
your use of words, time, energy, and talent.
Successful executives understand the importance o f creating a
positive and lasting impression. We live in a visual world that perceives
us through our personal image, and we’re judged by the way we look
and convey our energy. Consequently, everything has to start from the
inside out.
The power of your uniqueness is the most appealing aspect of your
image. Your personal i mage helps you distinguish yourself. It has to
become your “uniform.” You always have to be camera-ready and
instantly recognized as the person who delivers on your promises, who
can be trusted in all business transactions, and who will help find
solutions for your friends and your clients.
Of course, we always want to look our best; however, your best
personal image includes practicing principles of inte grit y, charity,
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