Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Ginny Baldridge

patience, and authenticity. The notion of elegance remains central to
the professional world today. So the individual who lives with
refinement and dignity, as well as remaining approachable, reflects
respect for themselves and others through attention to the little details of
self-care. As you grow professiona lly and personally, it would follow
th at your style or dress will change to mirror your growth. As an image
consultant, I believe in raising the bar for individuals to express
themselves in the most positive light because their personal image
affects every impression they make and c an lead th em to success.

So how d oes one develop a signature style and brand?

That’s a good question. Every day we brand ourselves by the type of
car we drive, the condition and cleanliness of the car, our attention to
detail, how we fix our hair, or wear our makeup, our physical shape and
health, and the way we talk or even w alk. A signature style identifies
you as unique, attractive, and consistent.
Everyone has the chance to learn and improve, to be a brand worthy
of remark. To develop a signature brand, you first have to identify your
signature uniqueness. A brand is not just your logo, tagline, Web site,
or brochure—it is a pr omise to others that a specific level of value,
quality, and service will be delivered.
We c an all rediscover what we bring to the table. What are our
strengths, our skills, our work experience, our history, and our
background? You must identify those e lements and skills in order to
build your signature style and brand. How you define your true brand
depends on your purpose and your mission in life. Developing your
signature style c an be life-changing and a transformational process.
You have to become relentlessly focused on what you do that adds
value, that you’re proud of and, most important, that you can take
credit for.
“You have a unique gift that can bring great joy and happiness into
your life. When you identify your most distinguishing trait, you hold

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