Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

the key to unlocking a future of limitless possibility,” said Todd Smith,
author of Li ttle Things Matter.
Keeping in mind that your actions have to be based on the value
th at y ou are promoting, you have to match your inside ta lent with your
outside image and style. You may need to dress more professionally,
classic, or conservative. Imitate successful people in your area. If you
are in a creative field, you may dress more on the cutting edge or artsy
I believe you need to write your goals down, g et a photo of the idea.
What is your dream career or your dream position? Put your goal on
your bathroom mirror and it will become ingrained in your behavior.
Just like everything else in the world that we do, creating an image
starts with practicing new habits. We c an’t worry if the new brand habit
feels odd at first because any new habit or style, even a new shoe, feels
odd at first until it’s broken in, and then the new shoe or the habit
becomes comfortable.

How can one translate his or her brand into a physical image?

The physical image is extremely important. Did y ou know that your
body physiologically r esponds to how y ou thin k, f eel, and act? Your
image directly i nfluences your thinking, what you’re feeling, and your
behavior. Body image is not only what you see when you look in the
mirror, but also what you feel when you’re thinking about your body. It
has been my experience that both men and women who are taught to
make little changes in their appearance will then become more positive
about themselves and life in general.
Affirmative changes in your belief system can be a transitional
process to help you live out your true potential, and image excellence is
an essential business skill that can improve an individual’s
effectiveness and productivity as well as the company’s bottom line.
To make a powerful physical image, you must d esign a wardrobe to
match your position in the workplace. How do you do that? I always
begin with my clients by assessing exactly what they already own. You
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