Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

  1. Six to eight ties in c olors that pull the shirt and jacket color
    together and for women, three to four scarves can give an outfit a
    “finished” look

By looking good and f eeling great every day, you give yourself
a sil ent advantage over 95 percent of those you will meet along your
way. The power of image is that it can not only transform how you feel
about yourself, but it can also transform how others you meet think of

In your view, how does one develop a consistently refined appearance?

The deliberate, intel ligent management of your personal style
requires understanding the elements of style and respecting the
si tuati on. A healthy, groomed appearance provides a silent message
th at you are capable of leadership. For men and women, this means
paying close attention to those parts of your body that need regular
maintenance. Standing hair appointments are vital f or both men and
women, and for men daily shaving is a must. For women, an updated
cut and color that is well maintained is essential. Women should apply
makeup that enhances their feature s, but do esn’t draw attention t o the
makeup itself. Remove any distractions. Both men and women should
keep their fingernails clean and shaped and their teeth clean and bright.
A common mista ke is to wear outdated and/or dirty eyeglasses.
Eyewear can be a wonderful accessory when chosen correctly, but I’ve
actually met with men in particular, wearing lenses that are so dirty, I
can’t listen to what they are saying. I keep thinking, if their eyeglasses
are so filthy, how they can they see me? That is a terrible mistake to
Every professional needs to evaluate the quality of his or her
wardrobe annually. Many people start careers out of college on a tight
budget, and their initial business wardrobe is usually built with
discount items. Business professionals need to spend money on an
updated, higher quality wardrobe. Men should consider custom-made
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