Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

behavior,” will be successful in integrating its brand strategies through the
company at every point of public contact.
Sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes with insights into areas that
need improvement. Just as one would pay for a professional to review a
legal document before submitting it for consideration in a court of law,
one should get the professional opinion of an image consultant to
address executive presence and customer relations. The process begins
with an assessment of executive presence to set you up for success.
Giving your employe es compensation for their positive behaviors, hard
work, and company success goes a long way to motivation.
A certifi ed image consultant c an coach your employees in business
presence, the nuances of body language, and business etiquette savvy.
Your consultant should also educate your staff on how t o eliminate any
distractions from your message and image. A superb professional dress,
co nfidence, and positive atti tude will increase the chances of your
business brand and staff being remembered and trusted.

What do you consider “business presence” is and why is it important
to success?

That is a great question, but before considering the quality of
executive or business presence, it is imperative that we recognize a
fundamental requirement of business leadership. Most heads of
companies have inte grity and their character and honor make them
leaders. If you are a person who honors commitment and respects and
serves other s, your business will quickly reflect those qualities.
Executive presence refers to behaving appropriately in a given place
and situation, and within the context of the prevailing corporate
culture. It is about knowing how to conduct yourself with social grace
whether chairing a meeting, hosting a business luncheon, or when
st anding in the reception area of an office. As stated earlier, the general
public is seeking to do business with those they know, like, and trust.
You can become known for having great business presence in every
si tuati on.
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