Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Mastering the Art of Success
It ’s very uncomfortable, isn’t it? In fact, I leave that establishment
as quickly as I can. So you can see the damage done from a customer
point of view, but stability isn’t about being nice, it ’s about working
with mutual r espect.
Did you know that it costs an employer one and a half to two and a
ha lf times an employee’s annual salary to find a replacement when that
person leaves? Wise employers should a ddress poor workplace behavior
before it escalates to the point where employe es are leaving because of
bad treatment. Businesses need to appreciate the hidden toll incivility
takes in terms of reduced employee performance, t eam performance,
in creased workplace stress, erosion of the firm’s culture and brand,
customer flight, and damage to the firm’s reputation.
How can leaders equip their teams to radiate civility and confidence
in every situation?
If we could wave a magic wand and give everybody confidence,
wouldn’t the world be a better place? Recalling the power of your
uniqueness is the most a ppealing aspect of your image and following
th ese strategies will go a long way to convey confidence, poise, and a
strong sense of self.
One of the most obvious ways to convey confidence is through the
ability to command attention upon entering a room. Mastering body
language that will urge others to gravitate toward you can easily be
learned. Y ou can demonstrate a confident posture by simply walking
with your shoulders pulled back and your chin held up. Many are
surprised how th is posture instantly makes them f eel more assured.
Being aware of the elements of body language is extremely
important in displaying self-confidence. There are connections,
gestures, and emotions that are perceived in body language. The

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