Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Chapter Seven

Stretch, Push Yourself,

& Reach Futher


Today we’re talking with Les Brown, internationally recognized
sp eaker and CEO of Les Brown Enterprises, Inc. He is also author of the
highly acclaimed and s uccessful books, Live Your Dreams and It’s
Not Over Until You Win. Les is former host of the Les Brown Show, a
nationa lly syndicated daily television talk show that focused on
solutions rather than on problems. Les Brown is one of the nation’s
leading authorities on understanding and stimulating human potential.
Utilizing powerful delivery and newly emerging insights, Les’s
customized presentations will teach, inspire, and channel any audience
to new levels of achievement.
Les Brown, welcome to Mastering the Art of Success.

Thank you very much. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Les, you’ve been a ro le model f or thousands of people down thro ugh
the years because of your triumph over adversity. Tell our readers a

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