Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

the ESAP and which formed the basis for using the PEM). Other than self-appreciation,
the Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha for all other scale items is at least .78 (Hammett,
Nelson, & Low, 2011).

Human Participation and Ethics Precautions

This study was conducted under the guidelines provided by the George
Washington University Office of Human Research Institutional Review Board. Signed
consent forms were obtained from each of the interview participants. All transcripts and
notes were handled in a confidential manner and kept in a secure place. To ensure
confidentiality, pseudonyms were created for each participant and references to specific
organizations were redacted. A final publication copy of this study and any subsequent
related publications will be provided to the interviewees to review to ensure that its
confidentiality has been protected. No other potential risks are expected.

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