Figure 5.2 summarizes this conclusion in illustrative form.
Figure 5. 2
5.2 Social and Cultural Influence on EI Development
Conclusion 3: Effective EI development is experientially based. This
conclusion is aligned with theme 5 (developing EI is dependent on experiences). The
findings in this study suggest that these experiences are part of workplace learning and
work identity (Illeris, 2011). The goals of development, according to Illeris (2011), are to
perform tasks, analyze and solve problems, think critically, and take responsibility. A
dominant perspective from participants: there is no substitute for experience. Several
decades later, Dewey’s (1938) treatise on experience remains highly relevant.
The findings of this study suggest that EI development is largely experiential.
Classroom or other formal training interventions may be useful for promoting awareness
about EI and its benefit for leadership. However, as participant R1 noted, “You have to
put them into an experience.” In a similar vein, R4 opined that a leader must get engaged
for leaders