Table 5. 2
5.2 Potential Relevance of Study to Effective Leadership Attributes
Effective Leadership
Potential Relevance of Study to Attribute
Help interpret meaning of events This phenomthe meaningful EI developmental experiences (and enological study’s essence was to understand
events). This is a distinct advantage of the study’s
qualitative research orientation (Cresswell, 2007).
Build task commitment and
Transformative EI (Nelson & Low, 2011) involves healthy
relationships and productive reactions to everyday
pressures which, in turn, promote positive morale and
Build mutual trust and
This research suggests that building and leveraging healthy
EI is essential for constructing relationships needed to
successfully work through complex challenges.
Organize and coordinate
The voice of several research participants indicates that
decision making tasks such as organizing and coordinating
depend, at least in part, on solid relationships nurtured through transformative EI (Nelson & Low, 2011).
Encourage andcollective learning facilitate Storytelling was one example in which learninfor the collective’s benefit. It appears that leaders who g occurred
role model healthy EI attributes promote positive learning
experiences for followers.
Develop and empower
Several participants recalled defining incidents in which
decisions were based on collaboration and involvement
with a network of people.
Promote social justice and
It could be that, based on this study’s participant
experiences, a strong EI lends credence towards treating
others with fairness, dignity, and respect, by virtue of the
Note: Effective leadership attributes adapted from leader’s own integrity and value of self.Leadership in Organizations (7th Ed.)^ by G. Yukl, 2010.
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.
This section presented four conclusions that inductively emerged from the
research study: (a) a diverse array of factors affect EI developmental experiences; (b) EI
developmental experiences are social and cultural in nature; (c) effective EI development
is experientially based; and (d) EI experiences are inherent for successful leadership. The