leaders. In addition, this study may add to the body of literature on effective workplace
learning techniques (Day, 2001; Illeris, 2011; Yukl, 2010). Additional insights on future
developmental suggestions will be discussed in the contributions to practice section that
follows. As a result of this study, a proposed theoretical model depicting the
relationships between adult learning, EI, and leadership is at Figure 5.4, below.
Figure 5.4
5.4 Relationships between Primary Constructs
- Importance of qualitative research in studying EI. Yukl (2010)
acknowledged the benefits of qualitative research as regards leadership. Moreover, as
Yukl (2012) stated:
To improve leadership theory and practice we need to know more about how
much the [effective leadership] behaviors are used, when they are used, how well
they are used, why they are used, who uses them, the context for their use, and
joint effects on different outcomes (p. 75).
Adult Learning
Intelligence Leadership^
Overlap areas include: Social awareness
EffectivenessBalanced decision
EI - centric:Self-awareness^ ^ Positive^ influence^
Personal leadership (beliefs & values)
Rational decision making
Goals & results