Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1
There’s the classic thing is one of whom was arguably the best experimentalist – I had two people once,
I’ve evedeep scientific implication and all sorts of levels of r met. He’d grab onto a problem of very
scientific depth that needed to be probed but hadn’t been. And he could lay out how to do it, identify
the right instruments, put together and go into the lab and just not emerge until he had it worked. I had
another guy who was completely unstructured, completely free-form but he was the guy who could
jump from the first set of data to an experiment that had never even been thought of before. So just for
the much better heck of it –– I paired them. And I figured the at the time, I didn’t really know
chances were good that either something really great would come out or they’d kill each other. And it
turned out we were well onto the way of the former, And at that point, I had to separate them. But I
learned a lot.

(^) Paired
everybody recognizes” (^)
A7 Researcher: As you stated before, these experiences LEARNING^
mattered because they were people based, helped to understand people from many different
organizations. Anything else about why those experiences mattered to your emotional
A7: I would still add one thing to that piece is the most important but I think there are – the people
some basic skill things that you learn by watching other people’s process, other people’s doctrine,
other people’s methods some things there because there are all thos– obviously, you pick up e things
to learn from other professional organizations and you pick that up too by being around people. It’s
not all about, you know, just reaching consensus and stuff like that – but you truly develop with more
skill-based knowledge by dealing with other
(^) Basic skills
Watching others
(^) Dealing with
(^) “the people piece is the most
“learn by process, other people’s doctrine, other watching other people’s
people’s methods”

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