without today. But many of those people I interacted with a job and still have relationships with them
subsequently when they got jobs elsewhere, we maintained that network of contacts. Traded
resources. We helped each other out. And that’s the part – the relationships that you develop and you
work with that expand your knowledge base, build your – that you use when you try to
organization – all those come into play.
(^) Network of
contactsHelp each
otherRelationships (^)
A4A5 Response embedded in narrative aboveThis is where recognizing what characteristics of
people mesh with others. How can you make it possible for very different types of people to be
extraordinarily productive in an environment that they probably wouldn’t have gotten into themselves.
I look who I work for were doing the exact same thing. back now and I realize that the smart people
I’m still having a problem with the reality of emotional intelligence. In my mind, I separate
technical skill from all the other things that it takes to make technical skill work. So that could be
getting a guy so inspired that he works 10, 12 hour days. Or finding out what makes me tick to be
willing to do that. I’d say more than half of my career, that’s what I was doing. So obviously
something worked.
Re(read definitionsearcher: so if we go back to that definition of EI ), are there threads of that definition
that you learned through those experiences?
A5: Yes. I’ve also learned to recognize people that I consider hopeless. That doesn’t mean they’re bad.
It doesn’t mean that they’re never going to amount to anything. But I can’t do anything with them. My
shortcoming may be there, who knows? It doesn’t matter. At some point you say “cut bait.” And there
Characteristics of others
Different types of people
(^) Hopeless
(^) “I’m still having a problem with the
reality of emotional intelligence. In my mind, I separate technical skill from all
the other things”