Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

are some of those people still around here. them are doing reasonably well. Some of them are Some of
here because nobody’s willing to make the effort to make them leave.

(^) Researcher: what is it about those people that cause
you to cut bait?
A5: In one case, it’s a person who is so far into intellectual overdrive they can’t focus on anything.
Always looking at 15 different sides of the coin which is a valuable trait, but only if you can channel
that. And I was not able to. Unfortunately, it’s one of these working – I don’t care who you work for –
you have limited resources at your disposal. You can ask for more, but if you ask for more you’ve got
to have something extraordinary to base it on. And someone who is brilliant but not able – can’t find a
way to get them to contribute to ask for more resources and it’s equally dishonest – it’s almost dishonest
to take your limited resources, pay that person instead of somebody else. So that’s one. I had one
person who ... was an alcoholic. Another fella and I tried everything we could do to get that guy
channeled, to somebody to stop drinking – I’m not an expert on how to get – but we tried to make it
so valuable to him to show up and do things that everybody would appreciate in the lab and so on.
We gave him 2 or 3 opportunities. We didn’t just say “here it is, go do it.” Sat down with him. It
didn’t take. You always wonder, did you wait too long or did you do it too soon. At this point, what
can you do? You do the best you can. I had one area where we – I made a conscious decision and
proposed didn’t see it up the line to get out of that area. I – we were at the point of diminishing
returns and it involved either reassigning or RIF
(^) Cut bait
Intellectual overdrive
(^) Integrity
(^) Trying to
salvage other
Cut bait
Do the best

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