Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

decision making within the companies ... it’s very easy to say ‘ok, they’re profit driven.’ Well, yeah,
that’s part of the answer answer, because when you get a particularly in the – but it’s not the whole
(companies they actually do (agency name) world, when you get these agency name) work –
not so much to make a profit, but for the partially for the prestige because they want to be – it’s
able to say ‘we’re but it’s also partially for the satisfaction of their the folks who helped fix (device)’
employees because for the employees it’s ... it’s a chance to say ‘I helped fix (device)’ and be able to
talk to their neighbors about what they do. In the (occupation) industry, so much of what goes on in
the (or they have to worry about whether their neighbor agency name) side, they either can’t talk about
is something that thinks a (evil thing and that anybody that works on them is device) is an inherently
bad too, rithat (deviceght? There are very few people that think ) is a bad thing, so the companies like the
idea of having that work because it gives the employees such satisfaction and allows them to
stretch themselves a little bit. So in that arena what we’re looking for more than anything else is that the
company doesn’t take a black eye, that they get involved in something they can’t deliver on – if it
hadn’t been for (pulled this off – and that they don’t lose money on company name) we would have
that. Becausand say ‘we didn’t make a huge profit on this but we e they can go back to their shareholders
helped save (shareholders and the board of directors. But it’s a project)’. And that’s worth it to the
much harder conversation for them to go back and say ‘well, we lost X millions in dollars, our profits
are down from what we told you, but we helped fix (project)’. That second conversation is not one that
they can have easily. The first one is one that they


(^) Employee
(^) Satisfaction
Stretch themselves

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