Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

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direction, I will pat you on the head and tell you that you did a good job. Nobody wants to feel second-
guessed all day long. What was pointed out to me was, “well, that sounds good but we don’t really
know what’s in that box. We don’t know if that box is big, that box is long and narrow, if it’s short and
fat? How do I know not a trick, it’s simply misguided. Because I don’t – I think it’s a trick. Or if it’s
know if it’s a new day or an old day.” inability to be clear – and so what I had to do instead And so the
was get very specific. And that’s how we developed – these are the projects that will be completed, this
we’ll publish in the Federal Register, this research plan will be completed – and everybody knew
exactly what it was. And that was effective. Now I don’t know how much of that is emotional
intelligence stuff, but that’s one way to help bridge things.

(^) The other example I like to give, which is a personal
example not a work example wathe way we redid our kitchen. A lot of people res somewhere along -do
their kitchens. And the guy came in who was going to re-do the kitchen and says “so what do you
want?” And I say “make me a nice kitchen.” And he puts his pencil down “we’re not going to be able
to work together.” I think to myself, did I not say “please?”. “Make me a nice kitchen – what’s the
big deal? You know how to do it; I don’t.” And he goes “I have no idea what ‘make me a nice kitchen’
means. I need to know what kind of wcabinets. I want to know what kind of countertop. I ood for the
want to know what floor. I want to know what lighting you need. I want to know exactly what you
want know if a dimmer switch is a nice kitche– do you want a dimmer switch or not? I don’t n or a lousy
kitchen: only you know what that means to you.
(^) Clarity
“Nobody wants to feel secondall day long” - guessed

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