You have to get specific.” Learning that you can have broad themes, but that you have to have
specificity or people are rudderless. They like the broader themes like “world class organization”, they
like “new day” really do what you want if they don’t know what – that hooks them in. But they don’t
you want (chuckle). And they can’t read your mind. While it’s obvious to you, it’s not obvious to them.
So you have to be very clear. So you haveResearcher: does that go back to when we first that.
started with the question, what you’ve learned? And we’ve talked about you need to connect with people
on an emotional level. Is that an example of that, or was that something else?
(^) R8: I’d say that was something else. Once you
connect on an emotional level, you have to be clear on what they need or what you expect.
(^) Researcher: so how did you learn to connect with
them on an emotional level? What did that look like to you?
(^) R8: Well, I think it’s really the things I described. I
would say that the next thing is small group. I interestingly, and this happened actually in each
stage of my career, so there’s something there I never quite figured out. So this is not a success
story necessarily. Butto the people that worked directly for me and to the that is I would – I related best
rankAnd I think it’s because I had a strategy for dealing -and-file. The ones in the middle, not so well.
with the rankworking with- andpeople who worked directly for me. -file, and I had a strategy for
These others So I probably did ignore them, and they probably – I never talked to too many of them.
felt that. They probably felt they shouldn’t have
(^) Maturity
(^) Connection
with different levels
Lack of
(^) “learning that you can have broad
themes, but you have to have specificity or people are rudderless”
(^) “once you connect on an emotional
level, you have to be clear on what they need or what you expect”