been ignored. They should have been part of this little group. I never quite figured that out. I did
figure out that your core group is really important. There was a book I read right before I left which my
consultant gave me know all this, but it will reinforce what you try to – she said “(name), you already
do.” ItSuccessful Leader was called something like – wasn’t really the name but it Four Rules of a
was like that, written by a CEO (Officer) or a former CEO. It was #1: form a Chief Executive
cohesive team. #2: be clear. #3: overAnd #4: reinforce. And I would say that the more I -communicate.
did that, the better everything was. Now you start with your core team, and that is you don’t always
get to pick your core team. And how do you deal with that? Well, unfortunately, one of the things
that I learned wawish you hadn’t. You think people are going to s the longer you wait, the more you
come around, you think this, you think that, you put up with a lot of in-fighting. You spend a lot of time
dealing with that. And I had some of that that I didn’t deal with effectively; I just didn’t know how.
Not a lot of it, but enough that I remember it 10 years later. But I had a pretty good cohesive team.
The more you can be honest with them, the better off – the truth is, they all think you’re in it for you.
You’presidential award, whatever you have to do to get re in it to build your success, to get your
your glory. Not at their expense; nevertheless with them secondary. The more you can really – I always
felt I was more team leader than organizational head. And I had seasoned people around me. We’re
all about the same age; if anything, I was younger not older. And ... people came and went in the six
years I was in charge there. By and large, we had a pretty good team. We had retreats, and you find at
retreats that it’s not really what the retreat was about
“I probably did ignore them, and they probably felt that”
(^) “I never quite figured that out”
“I did figure out that your core group is really important”
“and some of that I didn’t deal with effectively; I just didn’t know how”
“the more you can be honest with them, the better off”